Enzimológiai Szeminárium

2018. november

20nov15:0015:50Enzimológiai Szeminárium



Enzimológiai Szeminárium

Időpont: 2018. november 20. 15:00-15:50

Helyszín: MTA TTK, földszinti kiselőadó


15:00 – 15:20 Krausz Sára: Different Approaches to Increase the Efficiency of Targeted Gene Integration

During the last five years, CRISPR/Cas9 nucleases became an exceptionally important and well-functioning genome modifying tools. The cleavage of the DNA induced by Cas9 recruits one of the main DNA repair systems of the cell, either NHEJ (Non-homologous end joining) or HR (Homologous recombination). The repair systems sometimes fail to restore accurately the original sequence, which can be exploited for the desired gene modification. Desired gene modification is frequently carried out with a human-designed donor DNA. Integrating a designed sequence into the cleavage site is feasible, though its efficiency is generally low. My aim is to increase the efficiency of integrating a donor DNA by bringing it close to the cleavage site, thereby increasing the local concentration of the donor DNA. In my presentation I am going to talk about my plans regarding how to achieve this aim.

15:30 – 15:50 Mózner Orsolya: Characterizing ABCG2 mutations with molecular and cellular biology methods

ABCG2 is a membrane transporter that plays an important role in protecting our cells from toxic substances. There are certain mutations and variants of ABCG2 that are more common among patients with gout. In a recent study several uncharacterized mutations have been found in gouty patients, however their causative role in gout or their effect on protein expression/function has not been studied. My aim was to characterize these mutations with molecular and cellular biology methods. The results show variable effects of the different mutations on the protein expression and function.


(Kedd) 15:00 - 15:50


MTA TTK Kisterem

Magyar tudósok körútja 2.

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